Universal Fence Company offers chain-link fence, free-standing panel fence, plywood fence, orange safety fence, and four or five-strand barb-wire fence as temporary fencing options, as well as all types of permanent fencing and barriers for commercial and industrial applications, including chain link (vinyl and galvanized), ornamental, wood, architectural designs, welded wire,
guardrail, concrete traffic barriers, pipe rail, game fence, precast concrete, cable barriers, crash rated fence and gates, all types of gates in all styles both automatic or manual. Please call us with your requirements.
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guardrail, guardrails, concrete traffic barriers, pipe rail fence, game fence, precast concrete fence, cable barriers, crash rated fence, gates, automatic gates, manual gates. North Texas, Commercial Fence Contractors, Commercial Fence, Rental Fence, Temporary Fence
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Universal Fence Company offers chain-link fence, free-standing panel fence, plywood fence, orange safety fence, and four or five-strand barb-wire fence as temporary fencing options.
Temporary Chain-Link Fencing
Chain-link fencing with line posts driven into dirt, asphalt or concrete. Universal Fence Company offers temporary chain-link fence in standard 6′ and 8′ heights. 4′ height is available special-order. We are the only company that uses Schedule 40 posts and braces to ensure you will have a secure job site. Our competitors use a significantly lighter posts.
- 11-1/2 gauge chain-link fabric
- 1-5/8″ schedule 40 line posts, driven 24″ into dirt, asphalt, or concrete. Line posts are spaced with 12′ centers.
An additional charge applies for core drilling (coring) asphalt or concrete surfaces.
Diagonal bracing is installed are all terminals, ends, and gates.
- Barb Wire
- Flange Post with Concrete Anchors
- Privacy Screening
- Top or Bottom Rail
- Top or Bottom Tension Wire
- Gates*
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Free-Standing Panel Fencing
Universal Fence Company offers temporary panel fence on stands. Both 6′ x 12′ and 8′ x 12′ sections are available. The sections slide into stands that are secured together with a saddle clamp. Free-standing panels can be arranged and clamped to provide a 12′ or 24′ gate opening.
Free-standing panel fence is most commonly used on asphalt or concrete surfaces, or in areas where ongoing work requires that the fence be taken down and reinstalled by the contractor on site.
- Fabric sections are 11-1/2 gauge chain-link fence fabric, stretched onto 1-3/8″ frames with vertical support.
- Stands are welded 18″ x 36″ frames of 1 3/8″ 0.065 steel tubing.
- Sandbags
- Support Posts
- Privacy Screening
- Custom Color Privacy Screen
- Custom Printed Privacy Screen
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Plywood Fencing
Temporary plywood fence is most commonly used on job sites that require zero visibility or need to keep debris from blowing off-site in downtown areas.
- 1/2″ or 3/4″ plywood sheets installed vertically to provide an 8′ tall fence
- 3 or 4 2″x 4″ rails installed horizontally to provide a strong and secure fence
- 2 1/2″ Schedule 40 posts are driven 30″ into the ground on 8′ centers
- Flange posts with concrete anchors available
An additional charge applies for core drilling (coring) asphalt or concrete surfaces
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Water-Filled Barricades
Our water-filled barricades are high density polyethylene devices that can be filled with sand or water to increase their weight.
- Our barricades do not require special sections to obtain different radii and can be angled at 90°
- Many types of fencing can be installed on the barrier
- The empty weight of each section is about fifty pounds; the filled weight is about 680 pounds
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Temporary Barb-Wire Fencing
This fence allows the contractor to work in and around livestock without fear of one slipping away.
- 3, 4, and 5 strands of Barb Wire or Barbless Barb Wire
- Light gauge t-posts and temporary bracing systems keep cost down
Optional Gates*
General Specifications:
- 11-1/2 gauge chain-link fabric, stretched on 1-3/8″ frames with vertical support
- 2-1/2″ schedule 40 hinge posts, driven 24″ into dirt, asphalt, or concrete
Specifications for Six-Foot Gates:
- Standard 4′, 12′, and 15′ single swing gates available
- Standard 24′ and 30′ double swing gates available
- Sliding and rolling gates are available upon request. Please contact us with the site’s requirements for pricing information.
Specifications for Eight-Foot Gates:
- Standard 4′ and 12′ single swing gates available
- Standard 24′ double swing gates available
- Sliding and rolling gates are available upon request. Please contact us with the site’s requirements for pricing information.
